Monday, March 23, 2009

Amazing Finds

I was in the shower the other morning and I noticed a piece of my roommates hair on the shower wall. I found Benjamin Franklin in my bathroom! Isn't this picture crazy weird? Ha ha!


Anonymous said...

This is so trippy! My husband and I just stared at it! Glad your brain was functional enough to notice it! Crazy!

family said...

Amazing find?! More like amazing mind! I'm sure I wouldn't have seen that I would have been too preoccupied with getting it off! heh, heh.

Brian said...

You should re-shape the hair into the Virgin of Guadalupe and you could probably sell it on ebay for lots and lots of money. Just a thought.

Mikey said...

hahahahaha i love it.

LeeAnn said...

so hilarious! :)