Friday, June 4, 2010

Amber Jumps!


Coryn said...

YAY! This is so exciting, Amber!

Ki-o-TEE said...

Amber you pretty much rock for jumping out of a plane! I bet that was so fun!

haha, my word verification is resting. Perfect for the sabbath.

whitty said...

Hey hey! I found your blog and am soooo delighted. Your life is brilliant. YOU are brilliant :) You also rocked the jumpsuit and the diving.

Treble Clef ♪ said...

Amber...Oh my! My heart was in my throat. You are a brave one. What a thrill!

Matthew Neal said...

That's pretty amazing! I guess when you don't live in the constant threat of an earthquake (like the one we just had a few minutes ago) you need to get your thrills somewhere!

Andrea Locke said...

Holy cow Ber that is sooo exciting. I am sooooooo proud of you!!!!!! :)